[quote=@ScarlettWaters16] [/quote] Abso-freaking-lutely not. 1. Cyborgels were early Desium Corp creations. No machinery could be hidden as you put in her description. 2. No Angel was sent to earth to kill any one person. These are angels we're talking about. They came down in Legions to literally OBLITERATE the earth. Not to mention you say she had a halo, which are creatures of healing. No Aura-based angel would be sent to 'assassinate' anyone, and much less would they have to train for it in their purified state. These were ANGELS. Extremely powerful beings specializing in the class they were in. To restate, a healing angel would not be sent to assassinate any specific person, much less assassinate at all. 3. The eventual power, wound reversal, is far too powerful. 4. This character is definitely leaning on the side of Mary Sue. My rules explicitly state that that is unacceptable. 5. Why would she have a nickname, and one so different from her own 'name?' Cyborgels were treated like machinery, no one would give her a nickname (much less care about any name. It would be like naming a cell phone, but since the angels did have their own names, I digress.) 6. Trained in every form of weaponry? BEFORE she became a cyborgel?! How did no one pick her out of the crowd considering she was never military registered and no at ALL suspicious, might I add. 7. You give us literally nothing about what her career was. At all. 8. How the FUCK did she come across throwing knives, a pistol and a sniper? And she works as a body guard? Out of the question. Completely out of the question. Cyborgels right now are obsolete and there would be no way to not pick her out of the crowd. Any Cyborgel that the government even gets a whiff of being sentient, she wouldn't be able to survive. 9. All cyborgels were brainwashed. Even if I allowed that nonsense of a healing angel 'training' to kill someone, she would not remember any said training. She would, however, remember her military training since she worked for them. [quote=@Daxam] [/quote] I really enjoy this character! He seems like he will be a lot of fun and provide lots of contrast to the complete seriousness of the rp. However, there is one small error that might have been my own fault in not presenting more clearly. Cyborgels, while in reality WERE turned into the living dolls you see today, were not publicly marketed as being augmented versions of the demons (angels) that had attempted to destroy earth twenty years ago. Cyborgels were marketed as 'replicas' inspired by the demons (angels) that attacked earth to be servants. See, to the public, it was kind of a commercial joke. Like those old racist Donald Duck cartoons where he fought in WWII (that's actually a thing, look it up.) But for the demons in control, it was an easy way to dispose of the angels without getting ANY kind of lashback. So maybe just make a few adjustments to the bio and you should be good. As for the rest of you, I look forward to seeing your completed WIP's!!