[b]Name:[/b] Masayume Yakuse Disaster, that is the only way to describe this situation. Truth Weiss, whose creation surrounded with mystery, are now taking form of the devil itself summoning countless lesser devil under its command. This 'doll' is totally different from the one he knows. While Yakuse still trying to short out his mind, the voice of his nephew snapped him back into reality. That's right, it's not the time for that. However the monsters' action caught his attention. It doesn't appear to be attacking indiscriminately, there's something this creatures trying to accomplish. "Principal, please take care of my students. Hurry up and go! I'll hold them back for now" He shouted, activating his bracelet Madou. Physical enchantment, a layer of [Pure Energy] is now on Yakuse's whole body, decreasing external forces that may harm him and enhance the output of power would deal. [i]This kind of enemy...[/i] Yakuse had experienced dealing with creatures like them, hope his experience from back then will be useful now. One, two, Yakuse start skipping left and right resembling a boxer. One by one, Yakuse swiftly skip in front one of the monsters and... *SWOOSH* clash both of his arms together, creating a shock wave, dissolving the creatures into the air. [i]Huh...[/i] but the creature soon revert back to its original from, completely unscratched. But at least its regeneration time took several seconds, maybe it's enough to hold them back at least.