[h2]Meta-Ridley - GFS Mothership Bridge[/h2] While the many ships surrounding the mothership got more and more on edge over their inability to react toward Ridley's actions in fear of not only damaging the hunter but also their precious leading ship. While the space bounty hunter sought a form of advantage by dodging Ridley's ruthless attempt to incinerate her in every way possible, she seemed to forget what was at stake when she consulted her grandiose starship to do the deed. Ridley glared at the ship he had met more than once during his many encounters with his current opponent. Knowing the benefits he could take from such a brutal approach, he'd let the ship perform its attack without a counter. When the projectiles were getting too close from him, both his clawed feet would heat up in a plasma charged redness that suddenly exploded and projected him immediately to the direction of the hunter, employing a speed that could easily deflect her normal shots and leaving a very small time frame for her to release a charged one. The consequences of her previous attack would cause the projectiles to indiscriminately crash on the mothership's surface as the cybernetic creature had swiftly got off the radar at the last second with its witty use of explosions. Perhaps she would understand the consequences of her actions with the many pieces of debris flying into space and the chain reaction caused on the many peripherals linked in that destroyed. Sporadic explosions occurred in a small area on the ship, likely killing a couple of foot soldiers and lowering the GFS's ability to respond to the threat. Ridley's attack, however, was aimed at grabbing the hunter at the level of her waist, this time the height chosen would at least give him the chance to critically slash her morph ball form if she were to got for the witty counter. As per usual, his tail was purposely laid limp and stretched backwards with the full launch of Ridley's body. It was going to be used as back up in case of another trick from Samus. [h2]Corporal Faures - GFS Mothership's Engine Room[/h2] The Ork was doing as the underling has expected from his superior. Shaz was down, but the biggest part of the job had been done. Faures swiftly checked his map in order to establish the quickest route that would lead back to the Cargo bay. There was no way their escape ship could navigate through the waves of sentinel crafts waiting outside of the bay with highly proficient detection capabilities. They had to reach the agreed checkpoint and quickly before the entire place gets wiped out. Upon analyzing the data, Anderson had managed to take out a couple more of now flanked GFS that were simply terrified by the monster's previous display of raw strength. The few remaining fled in one direction in search of more cover and backup. Faures signaled the OK to move forward while keeping his holopad active. He had quick access to local camera feeds as he progressed through the wasted hallway covered in the ork's goop and GFS corpses. At the end of the small corridor, there were two different directions to take. Faures quickly checked the route while connecting to the few nearby cameras he had access to. The side they were aiming for to escape was secure, however the other side where the GFS had previous retreated was starting to swarm rather quickly with GFS PED troopers. "[b]This way let's go![/b]" Announced the man behind his armored helmet, gesturing the OK sign once more. They were all to sprint in the direction he had given while he tinkered with a few functions with his holopad. As the reinforcements had burst out of where they came and had just entered the area filled with dead GFS, the incendiaries had gone off. Just their luck, they were set on the vents right above them. Needless to say, most of them perished by the sheer force of the explosions. The rest were left to die in the searing flames of napalm-like substances. Arragoz, Faures, Ridley, Samus and all of the GFS crew could feel the entire structure tremor by the explosives. The explosions were not strong, but had spread through the ventilation system and caused major internal damage, thus provoking a temporary loss of control. Ridley's attack would be slightly deviated because of it, but not enough to prevent him from catching the hunter.