Jade looked a little confused when Owlman pushed her away, and sat back with a look of intense thought as she tried to think what had prompted it. It didn't take her long, however, as something similar ad happened before and she slapped herself in the forehead once she realized what she had done wrong. "My apologies to the both of you, I must've seemed very strange right now. I have a self-control issue when it comes to analyzing and observing things that interest me. Meta's like Owlman here are one that I bear a special interest in, as they are extremely fascinating to observe." Taking on a bit of an embarrassed look, Jade had begun to absent-mindedly play with her hair, the color changing as she ran her fingers through it. "A similar incident happened not to long ago where I got overzealous in my observation of a man who was part bear, and it set of his base animal instincts. Next thing I knew, he had torn off my arm in his mouth and had to be restrained until he regained his senses. He seemed a deal more distraught about the event then I was, even after I explained to him the fact that I wouldn't suffer for it at all. I just reattached the arm and, after a few minutes, it was good as new. Oh, that gives me an idea on how to apologize to you both for being so rude. I have a little something I wish to do, but I must give you warning that it isn't the most. . . wholesome thing to witness. Nothing wrong with it per se, just that people feel uncomfortable when they witness it. But I still insist upon it, as I do think you'll enjoy the result, if not the process."