[b]"How lucky they are, to be so content with their small little lives. Though I suppose the arrival of the likes of us hasn't helped that much."[/b] Things had calmed as time had passed, however when their fathers first revealed themselves things were not so simple. It was understandable though; mutations and oddities could be explained away, but gods and monsters would shake the truest believer and the loudest critic. She cut out another wedge of the apple and speared it, using the knife to bring it to her mouth. She listened to what he said of his expectations of his life, and how they had changed, laughing lightly at his comment of withdrawal. At his suggestions though she sighed. [b]"Just because I grow weary of the routine that does not mean I feel the need to throw myself from a plane, or whatever that other thing is. Besides, this hasn't been a steady realisation. I'm well aware of who I am, I was prepared for the inevitable. As I said, I have many friends."[/b] She said, a smile playing on her lips.