[center][img]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f136/BatFriend514/DCU%20animated/mm-logo.gif[/img] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/266/d/8/martian_manhunter___dcu_by_spiedyfan-d5fmubx.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=Crimson][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/color] - The following is taken from [url=http://www.comicvine.com/martian-manhunter/4005-2047/]Comicvine[/url] [list] [*][i][b]Super Strength[/b][/i] - The Martian Manhunter possess vast amounts of superhuman strength comparable to Superman's strength, easily making him one of the physically strongest beings on the planet. [*][i][b]Invulnerability[/b][/i] - J'onn has invulnerability sufficient for him to take blows from enemies whose strength surpass even Superman, such as Despero. He can also increase his invulnerability by altering his density to become super dense. His invulnerability protects him from the harsh environments of space and also re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. His skin can also repel bullet fire. [*][i][b]Flight[/b][/i] - Martian Manhunter has been seen flying at Mach 10 in Earth's atmosphere. [*][i][b]Super Speed[/b][/i] - J'onn and other Martians have speed that allows him to keep up with the Flash. His speed grants him accelerated reaction times as well. He is able to process thoughts and carry out actions with incredible speed as well. He can even utilize his telepathy at super speed, able to create a telepathic conference room for the Justice League to discuss matters in the privacy of J'onn's mind in just an instant. [*][i][b]Stamina[/b][/i] - The Martian Manhunter has nigh inexhaustible endurance and resilience. He can last for extensive periods of time without food, rest, or air. J'onn has been able to travel great distances in space and fight long battles without tiring. [*][i][b]Regeneration[/b][/i] - J'onn can quickly recover from almost any injury. He is able to reconstitute his body even when severed into several pieces. His regenerative abilities have allowed him to reconstitute his body from even an extremely small mass in only a matter of seconds, and he has even grown a new body from a severed arm. [*][i][b]Shape-Shifting[/b][/i] - The Martian Manhunter has vast shape shifting abilities that stem from complete control of his molecular structure. He is able to take on any shape he pleases, often taking the human guise of Detective John Jones. He can form shapes of objects or organisms alive, extinct, or imagined, and he has often shown to grow an extra pair of arms to supplement his fighting abilities and his strength. He can become as stiff and unmovable or as flexible and malleable as he pleases. He can also alter his size or the size and length of his limbs. J'onn often borrows mass from matter around him and incorporates it in his body, expelling it when he returns to his normal size. He can use this ability to become intangible and move through objects or allow attacks to fly by harmlessly through him or to become extremely dense to add more mass to his blows and increase his invulnerability. J'onn's control over his own molecular structure also allow him to adapt his visibility, granting him the ability to become invisible at will. His shape shifting abilities extend beyond even that allowing himself to change his chemical composition. He was able to turn his skin into a thick exoskeleton of human bone in order to shield him from a corrosive that would normally disintegrate his Martian physiology. [*][b][i]Intangibility[/i][/b] - By greatly lowering the density of his own mass, Marian Manhunter is able to become intangible. He has used this power often during combat to protect himself from his enemy's attacks and to pass through walls and other structures to travel. [*][i][b]Invisibility[/b][/i] - J'onn is able to control his visibility and render himself invisible to beings that can even view the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He can even appear invisible to Superman. [*][i][b]Telepathy[/b][/i] - J'onn is the most powerful telepath on earth. J'onn is capable of linking the minds of all superheroes at once from a distance of the moon to all corners of the earth. He is also capable of reading the minds of all inhabitants of earth at once. His telepathic abilities also allow him to create realistic illusions; telepathically trace and locate people; shut down people's minds; brain blast; mental shield; influence thoughts; mind control people; manipulate memory; astral projection; possesion; induce sleep; reprogram or reorder minds; and transfer information directly into people's brains. [*][i][b]Psionic Blast[/b][/i] - J'onn is able to project painful and destructive blasts of psionic energy from his eyes and his hands [*][i][b]Psionic Shield[/b][/i] - J'onn is able to project a telekinetic shield of distinct size and force for their protection and that of others. [*][i][b]Martian Vision[/b][/i] - Martian Manhunter can project powerful blasts of energy from his eyes. The power of these blasts are comparable to Superman's heat vision and have been shown to be able to harm Superman himself. He is able to create powerful enough blast to sever his own arm. He is also able to project telekinetic blasts of force. [*][b][i]Telekinesis[/i][/b] - Presumably a side effect of his Martian vision is telekinesis. He seems to keep this ability in reserve, as he does some of his other powers. J'onn is capable of controlling / manipulating; move; push; cut out; attrack; and levitate objects even at the subatomic level. J'onn can manipulate atoms, subatomic particles, and cells perfectly. J'onn can fire extremely powerful Telekinetic Blast and create a telekinetic shield. J'onn has only demonstrated this power a select few times and rarely utilizes it. [*][i][b]Martian Breath[/b][/i] - The Martian Manhunter has also demonstrated an increased lung capacity, allowing him to blow powerful wind bursts and freeze opponents with his breath, similar to Superman. J'onn has also demonstrated the ability to fly through space for extended periods of time. [*][i][b]Sonic Scream[/b][/i] - J'onn has on occasion demonstrated the capability to emit a devastating sonic scream. [*][i][b]X-ray Vision [/b][/i]- J'onn J'onzz described this ability colloquially as ionized particulate matter mapped to a variable density wavepacket. It allows him to see through objects. [*][i][b]Extrasensory Input[/b][/i] - Martians have nine senses as opposed to a human's five senses, which grants the Martian more numerable and clearer perceptions. [*][i][b]Longevity[/b][/i] - Martians possess naturally longer lifespans than human beings. J'onn has lived for at least one hundred years and is still not at old age. *End of comicvine references [/list][/indent] [indent][color=Crimson][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color][/indent] [indent][i][i][b]Fire[/b][/i][/i]. One of the earliest discoveries of ingenuity known to man is his one and only greatest weakness. Due to his invulnerable constitution, the affects of being exposed to fire are entirely psychological. The amount of distress J'onn can have is directly proportional to the strength and/or intensity of the heat and flames produced. The greater the flame, the more likely he is to lose control of his abilities and potentially lose consciousness. This condition is purely psycho-somatic. It is a result of post traumatic stress due to witnessing the fiery massacre of his people.[/indent] [indent]What J'onn survived on mars is indescribable.[/indent] [indent]Green Martians mainly communicate telepathically, adhering to a central nexus of communication simply known as the voice. They could meld with each other's thoughts, allowing everyone to experience moments as one. For a civilization that only knew of peace and community, this euphoric trait was treasured among J'onn and his kind. But on that fateful day where so many martians met their cruel end, such a sentiment would be ill-placed for one that valued their sanity. It was known as H'ronnmeer's Curse, a telepathic plague that spread through Mars without warning. The agonizing pain of millions in torment flooded his senses as if flung into a bog of chaos. He heard every scream. Felt every soul leave this realm with a brutal exit. Inescapable and all-encompassing, J'onn nearly drowned into an abyss of sorrow. Somehow... he survived. To this day he does not know how he became Mars' lone survivor. Those memories are purposefully locked away, sealed off by psychic barriers of his own design. This severely traumatic event continues to fester like a wound, constantly reopening with no hope of healing any time soon.[/indent] [indent][color=Crimson][b]Origins:[/b][/color][/indent] [indent][i]This is not my world. You are not my people. Yet here I am living among you -- [b]trying[/b] to be like one of you. I walk this earth as you do but in many different forms. Sometimes as a detective. Other times as a charlatan. I've come to learn that those two are often one in the same, but I nail these acting roles so well that it makes Daniel Day Lewis look like an amateur. It's to the point where I am even starting to trick myself into thinking I'm a normal human being -- actually, two, normal human beings. But who am I really kidding here? I do this to [b]forget[/b] but it never works. I try to erase old memories by replacing them with new ones from this fabricated play-pretend I've gotten myself into -- but it's pointless. No matter how hard I try to block them out, in the end, the horrors of my past will always find a way to... haunt me. All it really takes is a box of matches. You probably think I hate it here, huh? That's not true. I love your television shows and your cat memes, but what makes it all worthwhile are your civilization's most exquisite wafered delicacies. If the over-zealous Dr. Erdel hadn't plucked me from Ma'aleca'andra and onto your planet, I would have never known the euphoria that is Oreos. His base intention of staying relevant within earth's (rather underdeveloped) scientific community rescued me from an eternity spent wandering around Mars, alone. Without Oreos. Humor is a defense mechanism that does well to cover inner turmoil. I have adopted this into my persona as it helps deflect what I wish to not dwell on. I've come to adopt many things since my stay here, but earth as my home is not one of them. I intend to learn more about your world through the valiance of police detective John Jones, and the crookedness of mafioso henchman Frank Basillio. By playing both sides of the coin I hope to cover as much ground as possible. What am I looking for exactly? Simple. Others who are [b]different[/b] like me but want to make a difference. I know they're out there. I can feel them stirring on the surface like an Oreo floating in a nice cold glass of milk. I just hope that when I do find them, they'll accept me for who I really am. Dr. Erdel was the last man that saw my true self. Granted, he died of shock from the whole ordeal, but I remain optimistic.[/i][/indent] [indent][color=Crimson][b]Arc ideas:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Returning to Mars to uncover the mystery behind H'ronnmeer's curse. [*]Taking in alien refugees could potentially reveal that he is in fact not the last of his kind! [*]While going on a guided tour about the Oreo cookie at Nabisco Headquarters, he stumbles upon an event that will put his love for the delicious snack to an ultimate test![/list] [/indent]