Shouting caught Niana off guard. Since the Seer had arrived in the town proper there was a commotion stirring. The man she had been observing had even got up out of his sleepy reverie and rushed off towards the tavern. Perhaps it was time the girl made an appearance? Niana wrestled with the thought, a knot growing in the pit of her stomach. Would anyone remember her? Would anyone care? She shook her head and growled at the grass. She had a mission. It was for her family. She had to do it. Clutching the bone knife around her neck for good luck, Niana crouched on all four and creeped towards the town again. She was close now. Well, closer than she had been. Closer but no less nervous. The feeling was curious to her; years of living in the wilds had made her slightly uninhibited when it came to matters of all sorts. Her clothes were an obvious one, and her emotions were an close second. Niana had all but forgotten what nervousness had felt like, along with a variety of other, more [i]human[/i] emotions. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the grass and on to the dirt road. She stood perfectly still, the gentle wind blowing her platinum hair as she stared down the tavern. Finally she began to walk towards it and finally she reached the entrance. [i]The Niirborhood Tavern[/i]. That's what the sign read. Or at least what Niana thought it said. It had been a while since she had done any reading, so she may have been a little rusty. Stroking the bone dagger around her neck one last time for comfort's sake, the feral girl finally entered the tavern as quiet as possible. She was immediately blasted with various pungent smells and loud noises. She winced and tried to slink off into a corner. She was used to the ambiance of the forest, and the cool natural smells of the lush life that lived there. This was almost overpowering. The closeness of the people, the roaring of laughter and chatter and the smell of a load of humans smashed into a small space made Niana want to cry.