Yesterday a neighbor of mine led a small protest that shut down traffic on the only major roadway into the city where I am, and everyone was arguing on facebook. Some people felt it was unfair to commuters and all that, and some felt it was a more important cause. For the love of god please don't make this into a derpbate (or do, for more activity I guess). One person I saw make a post on fb then later delete it, and my neighbor got in a heated debate with this dude at dinner. He's a gay dude, on the spectrum (so he can be a bit abrasive and extreme in his opinions), but he thinks it's all nonsense and he's a bit of a mens rights activist who conflates how people are on tumblr with how they are in reality. It was all very heated and bizarre. I ended up texting a friend who was sitting with us asking him how he felt about it (he and I both were pretty quiet during). I felt they were both totally off the mark, because my neighbor was saying people who are commuting/trying to survive should prioritize the protests and be okay with not being able to get home or wherever, and the other dude was saying that because the proportion of deaths of black people is so low compared to overall population, there isn't a problem at all. And then my neighbor said STEM majors don't understand any of these issues, and the other dude just ranted about Social Justice Warriors hating him because he didn't act stereotypically gay. Which is total nonsense, I've gotten absolutely no shit for not being stereotypical and I feel just as welcome and respected as anyone else in the LGBT center here. So they both were just flinging generalizations around while the quiet dude and I just sat there kinda like "...alright" @ both of them. The annoying part was when the mens rights dude was saying that the guy who got beat up for being lgbt was actually beat up because he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and then when he went and made a passive aggressive post on facebook about the debate they had. lol Oh also, there's going to be a massive strike tomorrow...which for some reason is supposed to be about the teachers, but then someone told me it was about all the racially charged deaths in the news recently? So Im not sure, but campus will be shut down. Everyone is complaining/celebrating about that. Exciting times at a california university! If only the strike was today or friday though. I don't really have any classes tomorrow. :/ And I'm telling you all about this because it's all very touchy irl right now so I can't be too honest on fb or anything.