Shu felt confused over Takeshi’s claims, finding the use of the word ‘secret’ not being the same as ‘hidden’ to be strange and confusing. He didn’t know whether he was supposed to think that it was hidden away or purposely done so to keep people from going there, but the again he didn’t listen to what the city was like and did wonder if they were scared of bad things happening or something else attacking them. It was such a curious thing but he wasn’t going to pry too much when he had more to worry over. “Ooh, so it’s safe down there? No bad things? I hope they have food for me. I’d like that!” Getting all excited over the thought of food he continued to stare down at the trees, squeaking when Takeshi questioned his living standards when he was out in the wilds. He didn’t think it was a big deal, even if it was hard at times. “Well…yeah! Yeah, also sticks…you know, for keeping leaves together!” he spoke, bouncing on his toes, “It was hard. Sometimes not feel very well because no fur…but now I have fur! Sort of. Miss Yumi thinks it’s cute…but not sure why Father did that to me. Maybe he thinks it cute too? I don’t think he does. I’m so confused. I don’t know what I am supposed to be…” T’charrl had every reason to worry over the machine being stolen, especially when there was so many people out there trying to get him for what he did to the General. He still didn’t understand how anybody could follow that man, especially now that he was completely debilitated and defeated. It wouldn’t be too hard to believe that there was even some people out in this city who knew him and wanted him gone. He was dangerous in these people’s eyes and they’d do anything to get rid of him, even follow him to different kingdoms if they had to. Slowing the airship down he carefully tried to get it to go lower, hoping it would behave while he tried to land the machine. “It’s not so much it being a problem here than it is possibly following me”, he sighed, staring down at the control panel as he tried to stabilise the airship, “I’m not exactly liked by a lot of people. There may be, uhh…’trouble’ following me”. Getting the airship to stabilise in the air he let out a sigh, slowly dropping the anchor. It was all he could do for now until the guards came to see who they were, but that wasn’t a big concern of his. “I don’t know how they’ll fix it if any damage is made, but I’m sure you’re telling the truth and I will be safe. I just-…I guess I’ve had to be cautious my entire life and even when I know I’m safe, I still get nervous. I hope that’s understandable…even if it is embarrassing…”