[@ReaptheMusic][@akje] John doe Lifted the beer up a little bit, and then a weird, Pink, mini version of his face Shot out of his mouth and Submerged his head in the drink, gulping away at the beer until there was No more left, John doe put the messed up broken thing that people call "beer bottles" down onto the ground, the top was practically gone, Turning over and staring at the two people, he grabbed another beer, holding it in his right hand, [b]Oh yeah people call me plenty of names, like, ET, that gigantic black scorpion thing, alien, Oh and heres my favorite![/b] John does voice changed into a ear-piercing shriek, [b]AHHHUGHHHHAAHHHHOHHMY GODD WHATTHH UGH WHAYT THE FUUUGKKHHH AUGHHAUHG AHHHHHGGH SUACNIEHUAOSUAH AUGHHH KILL ME PLELEZZAUGHH OGH UGHH GOD UAHGHHAUINCI THEUGHHH PAINNHEUG[/b] He jumped scared half of the people, A zombie with a hole where his heart would be had a heart attack, [b]I don't really know what it means but I'm guessing its French for something, But I just call myself John doe[/b] John doe told the Strange alien lookalike, noticing how a Skeleton dude just broke one of the bartenders necks, John doe guessed that was how you say Hello on this planet,