-Jeff Andonuts, Snow Wood Boarding School- "Aww, you're leaving AGAIN?" Tony asked Jeff, who was itching for an adventure with friends once again. "Yeah. I'll need to stop by my father's and see if he's repaired the Sky Runner, or even have upgraded it again..." Jeff said. "Give me a boost at the gate, would ya?" Jeff asked, and Tony let Jeff jump on his back and then over the fence once again to go on a long journey. Jeff waved at Tony before heading off and waiting at Lake Tess for Tessie to rise from the water and take him over the lake. It took a little bit, but Tessie came up and let Jeff ride on its back across the lake, and he went down to Brick Road's cave. He went inside, and came upon a Mad Duck. He shot it and instantly killed it, since it was a very weak enemy, and continued on, down the Stone Henge, and to his father's lab. "Jeff!" Dr. Andonuts exclaimed. "Haven't seen you in... well, a week, actually. What do you want?" Dr. Andonuts asks, and Jeff said "I wanted to know if the Sky Runner is... capable of more than it was," and Dr. Andonuts smiled. "Well, take a look. I've unlocked the secret to multiversal travel inside of it... the only problem is, the only place it'll take ya is space in some other universe. I think I've seen some sort of... well, not sure what it is. Looked kinda like a giant tree. But not really... I saw a fleet of other spacecraft approach it, so I wouldn't recommend... Jeff?" Dr. Andonuts said, Jeff having already instantly revitalized himself and boarded the Sky Runner. He took it out of the lab, and looked for the multiversal travel switches. He flipped a switch or two, pulled a lever, pressed a button, and steered it around, when it took off at blazing speeds, so fast that his vision was blue-shifted, and the inertia pulling him to the back of the Sky Runner, and knocking him out. -Jeff Andonuts, Yggdrasil- After waking up, Jeff stood up, and looked out the window, seeing what his father was talking about. He steered the ship towards the giant vessel, and parked it in some sort of spacecraft bay. Jeff got out of the Sky Runner, looking about the place, and he saw someone approach him. "Welcome. We'll need to take this for your stay, since you are not part of the UMMA..." a guard said, taking his bag which had multiple weapons and different foodstuffs in it. Jeff gulped, and walked into a giant main hall sort of place. -Lucas- "... I've never fought any giant glove..." Lucas said, looking at him. Lucas' meal got there soon enough, and he began eating heartily, enjoying the omelet. It was his favorite dish, and the chef had performed it just the way Hinawa used to. He stopped eating for a minute, and looked at everyone else. Something bugged him a little bit... he felt like someone he may have known had just entered Yggdrasil. But not someone he knew well. Just someone he could... sense the presence of. He looked towards the door, and finished his meal quickly.