[h2]Character List[/h2] Format: Username - Character name - Status Kurisa - Kurisa Shuji - Alive Phobos - Shoske Kawahiru - Alive samreaper - Kenny (You Bastards!) - Single, but looking hatakekuro - blonde shoujo - Nonexistant Hebigami Shiho - Utaho Rinnosuke - Alive Silverlight138 - Reiko Kanzaki - Alive AbigailTenshi - Akane Hetoshi - Alive BlackCat - Mi Kiyoshi - Alive Zombehs - Kibaya Misato - Alive Locations Totally didn't steal this(Ty Abi) just here for now too I edit it Roof - Kuro, Paneru, Megumi, Reiko, Aki and Kenny 4th floor - Empty 3rd floor - Utaho, Kurisa, Shoske, Kenny, and Akane 2nd floor - Zombies 1st floor - Empty or Mi and Yukito Outside - Hatake's character