[@Caits][@knight125] Kijani stared back and forth between them. In her mind, Anthony was lying... but Connor never had, not to her. So Connor saying that Anthony's call saved her life was beyond confusing. "Wh-what... what are you talking about?" She looked blankly at Connor, then turned a weakly accusing gaze to Anthony. "I didn't- I didn't tell you anything! What..." She held both hands to her head. "What are you guys saying to me?" [@Eviledd1984] "You feel stronger because you're actually connected to yourself." Devika smiled. "I get different... feels from people. Like..." She didn't know how to really describe it. "I guess everyone has a different color, you could say. Yours was really muted. But now it's bright. I... I like it better." His giggle really did make her grin. Even though he sounded like a little kid, it was tons better than sounding robotic.