She was left alone. In some ways it was a relief to not be tortured continuously. But at the same time the isolation was it's own form of torture. It left her alone with her thoughts. Now that her hunger had abated her head was clearer, and she was able to see what she had done. The young male vampire looked ghastly, his face permenantly fixed in an expression of pain and horror, her throat slashed open, nearly seperating his head from his neck.. She hated seeing it, having to look at what she had done in her blood-lust. Shame coursed through her, guilt weighing her down. For a brief moment, she had been the monster that humans thought all vampires were. Maria started to cry softly, her tears glistening down her cheeks. She barely noticed the sting of the salt on her open wounds anymore, having gotten used to the constant pain. She could still taste blood, both his and her own. It sickened her and she tried to spit it out, but to no avail. Her mouth was too dry. She needed water or some kind of drink, but didn't hold out any hope that she would get any from her gracious host. She found herself wondering again why he was even bothering to keep her alive. Obviously he wanted this girl back, but what was stopping him from killing her now? He had already set up the terms of her release, if he killed her now he would still get what he wanted. And Alistair and Lucian would not stop til he was dead either way. Luican... where was he right now? Looking for her? Or had he forgotten about her already? Moved on to someone else? It pained her to think of such things. What they'd had, although so briefly, had been strong it was hard to believe he would be able to move on from her so quickly, but the isolation, torture and heartache was messing with her mind and emotions. Her limbs were sore from being restrained for so long, her body wearing down from the stress it was under. Whatever the Goblin had given her had made healing slow and painful. She wanted to go home... she wanted to be with Lucian... wanted to see Alistair... wanted to feel safe... As always Maria expressed her feelings the only way she could, through her voice. Since he had left her mouth ungagged she was able to sing. The song that came from her was full of heartache, a haunting melody that would break the heart of anyone near, at least those who had hearts to break. [url=]song[/url]