Jade made a small nid to Owlman, feeling throughly depressed and embarrassed. She'd terrified the girl and disturbed Owlman. As usual , her attempts at talking to people proved less than effective. She pocketed the card and left with a quiet "Good-bye." Walking off, needing a way to get rid of all the frustration and self-loathing she was feeling. 'Dammit, why is Jaden so good at talking to people, yet I can't say one sentences before people want to run from me.' She thought depressingly, as she entered an alleyway absent-mindedly. "Hey beautiful, what is some like you doing in a-" A creepy looking man that had been hiding in the alley came out, a knife in his hand, only to suffer from a fatal case of knife hand through throat, leaving him to gurgle slightly before falling over dead. Jade barely noticed him, he wasn't even worth eating. The blood that hit her was immediately absorbed, though it left her feeling slightly ill, meaning he was probably heavily diseased. Jade's immune system was strong enough to with stand it easy, but it still made her stomach feel a bit uneasy. "I'm done for today, you can take over again Jaden." She said, before she dissolved and Jade went back to being Jaden. Jaden sighed, he couldn't help but feel sorry for Jade. She tried her best, but she still couldn't contain herself around things that excited her, which was almost everything that had to do with Metas. Jaden walked out of the alley and went for a walk, he had no idea where he was going and didn't really care. Life was an adventure and sometimes it was best to just wander around.