Upon being released, Tristan doubled over, gripping his sore gut and coughing. "Ow,ow!" he groaned, slowly stretching back up, leaning against the wall, "That-..That was a bit uncalled for, wasn't it?" maybe this was a sign from above that it was time to stop drinking and head home, he mused. Tristan then looked up, noticing Ignaescious on the floor. He tiled his head, brows furrowing, "You alright, there?" still gripping his stomach, he edged closer to the Elf, cautiously trying to get a look at his face. He didn't dare get too close, though, in case Ignaescious turned aggressive again, "I- uh, I think I'm going to call it a night, Iggy. But, you know, no hard feelings. For you attempting to kidnap me and punching me, I mean. Everyone's got a bad day now and then, I understand. Maybe we can get a fresh start some other day when you're in a better mood." he suggested, even though he had a slight suspicion this was the Elf's everyday mood, "So good night to you, my grumpy friend, and don't lay around on the floor too long, or you'll catch a cold!" With those parting words, Tristan gave a wave to the rest of the hall, before sauntering out into the night. He almost tripped over the threshold, but only laughed drunkenly at his own clumsiness. Today had been interesting, indeed.