[@oakman] Alcaeus shook his head in disapproval and sighed. What terrible facsimile of an arbiter had Hades spat forth this time? He took the water with a slight, but friendly nod of his head and drank deeply, downing the whole glass before placing it back on the bar for another. He cracked a tired smile as he heard the reaper's impression of him and spoke softly. "Haven't ever said 'howdy' or called anyone 'partner' but hey, keep working on it. You'll get there some day, kid." [@ReaptheMusic] Al turned and saw the red woman beckon. And then chose to ignore her blood-fuelled outburst. A countess, vying for [i]his[/i] attention? A stalker of the night, no less. Once every couple of ages, maybe he gets eyed up by a passerby at the free market, but this was definitely new. However, being a sensible man, he erred on the side of caution and only moved his seat slightly closer, close enough to be within conversing distance. He gave her a tired nod of respect and curled his lips up in a smile. "Greetings, ma'am. To whom do I owe the pleasure, if you don't mind me asking?"