Jack merely looked at the Peacekeeper who had shouted at him in Japanese. He had no idea what the man said but it sounded like he wasn't fond of the Brit. He didn't care for the half rations, with his cigarettes suppressing his appetite he barely ate half of what he was given any way, normally gave the other half to his other bunk mates. Sighing he spoke to the back of the Peacekeepers. "Nobody trusts you y'know! You keep turning up and over reacting to the situation, before shouting in Japanese and pissing off. That only breeds discontent and then, when the chips are down. Nobody will listen. You may appeal to the kids but the fathers, brothers and uncles here. They don't like you!" Jack was partly right, the fact is nobody trusted something they didn't know about, such as the Peacekeepers and their language, and liked it even less when the misunderstood bullied them. The crowd were pretty tense and a few men came over and patted Jack on the back. He had no intention of stopping his behaviour. Whilst a day with half rations would be enforced, but a whole week? No, the commander wouldn't allow that. Rations were low enough as it was, half for a week would be one step above starvation. Turning back to the bar he passed his last drink back to the barkeep. "Keep it fella, those Peacekeepers wanna swing their cocks around a bit, so someone else can enjoy the beverage. I am a man of charity after all." The barkeeps stoney face broke for a quick chuckle before he walked off. Jack closed his eyes and then looked over at his new 'friend'. "So, you tried to stand up to the big bad bully, impressive. Your name Matt yeah? Well just lemme say your friends in blue are fucking bastards. Though we can't all be blamed for our choice in friends. So I wont blame you." Jack threw Matt a smile.