[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qXT65na.jpg?1[/img] ::Name:: [b]Akane Hetoshi[/b] ::Age:: [b]19[/b] ::Gender:: [b]Female[/b] ::Class:: [b]4-A[/b] ::Personality:: [b]Seeming calm at all times is generally Akane's behaviour. She hardly makes effort to socialise with others unless they know something she wants to find out. Other than that, she usually speaks only when spoken to during classes. She's never bothered by the lack of friends she has or being left out of most social activities outside of the school as any other student may be. She just likes her own company and enjoying herself by herself. Her main focuses, goals, aspirations, so on and so-forth are:... well.. nothing. Akane feels that she merely exists in this world, nothing more, nothing less and thus is quite content with just 'going wherever the wind takes her'. She takes solace in knowing how insignificant she is, how small her mistakes are compared to the mistakes of those who influence and thrive on being surrounded by other people. This may seem depressing, but Akane feels comfortable with this realisation, it makes her feel liberated when thinking about it since she feels that she can do anything she wants and no one would care or pay her any notice. Generally Akane is quite relaxed, hardly ever worried or stressed about anything as nothing important or worth fussing over ever happens in her life, or more that's how she sees things. Little know however that secretly Akane is a very hot-headed person. Since she isolates herself within her own little bubble, rarely anyone is given a chance to notice this side of her. Covering up her anger isn't easy but Akane has learned how to conceal it better by dodging the problem altogether: Other people. Her mind, on the other hand, is often filled with annoyed and agitated thoughts from what she witnesses in day-to-day life since she is also rather observant. Due to this, she has a large amount of dislike for many people, especially loud, arrogant, unnecessarily mean and outspoken people. Those who also say what's on their mind at all times no matter whether their statements are positive and nice or rude and negative just [i]grinds her gears[/i]. When in the presence of such people, Akane grits her teeth as an automatic response, something she often doesn't realise she's doing.[/b] ::Background:: [b]Akane moved from home as soon as she turned 18. She had enough of her loud, invasive and opinionated family since they'd constantly bug her about being quiet and enter her room unannounced before snooping through her stuff for no reason what-so-ever. She hardly spoke to them despite living within the same building, however on the odd occasion a conversation was made, it'd easily turn into a one-sided argument because of how strongly opinionated they are and the fact that the moment voices or tension raises, Akane simply walks away and escapes to her room [i]which[/i] tends to annoy people who're trying to argue with you. Throughout most of her childhood, Akane spent her time in her room with the door shut. If she wasn't there, she was at the local library, enjoying the quiet atmoshpere despite how little she read books. Now that she has her own place though, she's [i]almost[/i] happy... if it weren't for the fact that she needed a room-mate to live with so she could afford to move. However, it wasn't all bad, her room-mate is actually quite a nice person and leaves Akane to do what she wants with few questions. There had been a couple of moments where the two of them had interesting deep conversations about a variety of topics as the two of them shared a couple of common interests, one of which was Science. Although such conversations happen rarely. With her vast amount of alone time, whenever Akane was bored with entertainment or whatever other task she was preforming, she'd turn to studying. Her version of studying had always been a more relaxed, almost lazy approach since she only studied a little each time she was bored until the urge for some entertainment returned. However, despite the lazy quantity, the quality of each study time was high. She'd make sure she fully understood absolutely everything she learned about, be it through text books, research, work sheets etc. This made her rather knowledgeable in quite a few different subjects which was the reason for her constant high grades. Even though her grades were high and she did well in school, Akane didn't care about her high achievements. They weren't impressive in comparison to a person who changed the world so there was no point to embracing such minuscule achievements.[/b] ::Skills:: [b]Skilled at Science as it's a subject of interest for her. Semi-skilled at mathematics and computing making her knowledgeable about technology, and also semi-skilled at games which helped her improve her strategic and problem-solving skills. Bad at physical education since she hardly leaves her room, the little exercise she does consists of just walking to school or the library, which hasn't helped her stamina meaning she runs out of breath rather quickly.[/b] ::Weapons:: [b]N/A[/b] ::Relationships/Friendships:: [b]N/A[/b] [i]-Open-[/i] ::Other:: [b]They Ate Shoske! - [i]He was in my way. *snickers darkly*[/i][/b] [/center]