Things were peaceful and quiet, the world was a nice place until that guy happened as the bullets came randomly blazing out an annoyed Elf took to the front of her group and invoked her magic as whirlwind spun around them blocking the bullets. The little demon lord was beginning to stir as he was annoyed by this interruption to his attempt at a nap. The Beast just smiled as he was thinking how fun the battle would soon be, meanwhile some arrows were also flying from some group of one two three, maybe four groups made up of the ten heroes. The traitor Hero just sat down as he summoned a large sword in front of him to block any stray hits. Things were going well until some arrows came raining down so to speak as the beast jumped to the side to dodge them while maintaining the little boy on his back, and just as they all were going to relax. The look of shock, fear and excitement on the faces of the Hero the Beast and the Elf as the Flaming Lady or Man was charging towards them. They could be in for some serious trouble as she began combining her water magic with her wind to create Ice Magic as she blasted it towards the Flaming Idiot in the hopes of dousing his flames. Meanwhile the hero ran and stopped before the witch and said, "Little girls and pet bugs should go home" The Demon Lord was still resting so to speak but there was a stray bullet from a different source that hit the beast in the arm making him bleed for a moment but it was not deep enough to do anything serious. The Beast looked serious as the largest of the enemies was missing and it was too soon to wake his master for dealing with this rabble. As he tried to keep his pose, the Hero seemed to be trying to talk the witch and grasshopper into leaving, while the elf girl was busy with her spell would it be a battle of mages and somewhere in the mess the Hero looked to the side and so did a few others as the demon lord woke up glaring at the giant spider before saying, "This is why no one likes Empresses anymore". What would happene to their team and how would this all play out, a basic fight and a basic battle but what magic is in store for our heroes and what other abilities were they hiding. All in all it was time to see where this game plan was heading and why the spider lady wants to fight one on one when fighting one on ten would be best.