The way the older student reacted to their defiance, with a chuckle and a smile, lessened the anxiety that Dani had felt standing up to him with her friends. In fact, he seemed a little impressed with their bravado, asking them if they were hoping to become a part of Slytherin, which she recognized as the name of one of the four Houses, or join Quidditch, a term with which she was unfamiliar, though neither Pearleane nor Peter seemed to be confused by it. Pearleane crudely dismissed the boy’s question, stating that she wouldn’t be interested if he was there, the tone and directness of the statement a bit of a surprise to Dani, who was used to more tact being used. Still, she shook her head from side to side in response to his question. Peter, on the other hand, just ignored the question, imploring the older boy to leave and get a different, open compartment while someone from down the hall yelled that she would be interested in joining Quidditch. The boy seemed a little… exasperated with how the conversation was going, though his voice was still calm and even. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to express his thoughts before a commotion could be heard from the compartment across the hall. The boy seemed to know who was responsible, frowning and muttering something about someone named Wade. A couple flashes of light could be seen through the window before another boy’s voice as he shouted profanities concerning whomever was in that compartment. Seeing as how the boy in their compartment had the air of a leader, evidenced through his body language, Dani decided to take a shot and write a message to the boy on her whiteboard, erasing when she ran out of room before writing more of course. “Maybe you should try and stop him. I don’t think that the school would be happy with the Slytherin Quidditch team if whatever is going on over there doesn’t stop.” Hopefully, he would be able to stop the other boy before conflict spilled over into the car they were in.