Artemis grunted in annoyance. The constant "HMMMMMMMM" from his travelling companion, a scarily happy bird-man-creature, had started getting on his nerves from day one. By now, his nerves were bruised and Humhum was doing Riverdance with Micahel Flatley atop of them. All he wanted was to get to this damn city, get some grub and go to sleep in someones toilet. But what Luka had said about dating hot-lines with Sirens aroused his interest (as well as his crusted loins). Perhaps he could find a payphone somewhere and have an enjoyable afternoon for once. Or at least try to, going by his track record with females. "I think we should find somewhere to rest and then hit the town" he said finally, glancing at the much larger figures he considered companions. "Anything to get out of this goddamned sun. I think my skin might start drying out..." To emphasis his point, he ran a small fin over his flabby forehead and was disgusted to discover his skin was peeling. "Good God" was his only murmured response as a flake of skin drifted to the ground. After several moments of silence, Artemis grew bored of staring at the city in silence. He had seen thousands of unremarkable cities in his life and this one was no exception. Once you've seen one large city, you've seen them all. "God, lets go. I'm not standing around to be cooked in the bloody sun" he said suddenly, giving an angry glance to Luka at the thought. Things were tense between them after an incident several days ago that he'd rather not think about. He gave an almighty heave and flopped forth down the hill, feeling tired already. Giving up after the second flop forward, he rolled onto his side and allowed gravity to take it's course. He rolled down the hill, slowly gaining speed until the entire world was a blur. Not that he noticed, of course. He kept his eyes closed because getting sick is not advisable for ones first post.