Tam smirked, "You making a pass at me, little man? A little free with the death-threats for a doc, ain'tcha? I mean, unless you're counting on eyebrows here to keep you in business, I don't see how taking the boots to him is any concern of yours. Let's have a show of hands here, who just tackled the team-fragging loon with a gun?" She looked around with a feigned expression of shock, "Really? Just me? If you ever do, then maybe you can provide some helpful critique on my methods. Until then, take my word that I was practically the definition of measured response. Any cop I've ever met, and half the mercs I've worked with would have just shot him." "If you can't trust a man to keep his temper in check, then you don't give him a gun and let him watch your back. He just crippled a man, on a planet that probably doesn't have anything in the way of medical facilities. Hell, if he'd tagged the femoral artery, he could of killed him. And you're threatening me. Me!? Because I talked some shit?" Tam shook her head, slung her pack and headed for the door. "I'm gonna see what's keeping Sarge, you can watch Fire if you want his dick so much."