[h1]Balerion[/h1] The sound and vibrations of a herd of trotting mammoths echo across the grassland on the other side of the Bargors Forest to the northeast. This particular herd of mammoths were well known to the people of Tardy, a city that situated itself just on the border of the Bargors. The herd was also well known to yet another party, a hungry one at that. Within the walled city the towns people could see a vast spreading of fire out on the plains and dark smoke soared high into the sky. Strange was this for some, but for others this was a sign of [i]dread[/i]... The mammals continued their rushed trek across the open plain, trying desperately to reach the safety of the woods. Something was chasing them across the vast field, something large and powerful. As the fires on the plains continued to spread and the smoke became thicker and darker, a large shadow flew over the herd. The sound of the shadow's wings was like that of a hurricane and the grasses down below swayed violently as the gust of wind ripped through their roots. The mammoths hurried their pace, trumpeting and screaming in fear. It seems whatever was chasing them was searching for the perfect target, the perfect victim. Back in the city of Tardy the fires and smoke continued to be seen and many citizens raced to the top of the wall so that they could get a better look at what was going on the plains. Still, only flame and shadows of the heavy smoke could only be seen. Just then, a young boy pointed his finger above the cloud of smoke and yelled out at the top of his small lungs, [b]"Dragon! I saw a Dragon!"[/b] The towns people gasped aloud, trying to see if they too could spot the beast. Suddenly, an utterly gigantic shadow soared high above Tardy, cloaking the entire city in darkness for a split second before letting out a thunderous roar! The people yelled in fear and for a moment they too felt like prey, like the herd of mammoths out on the plains. Thankfully for Tardy, this dragon was not after human flesh nor would humans even fill the great beast. Grand commotion filled the streets and everyone was rushing back into their homes, but one man stood motionless, watching the black wyvern as it disappeared into the smoke on the plains. The old man mumbled to himself these words, [b]"...Once the sound of hurricanes and the spewing of black fire approaches... for [i]Dread[/i] shall not be far behind..."[/b] The dragon had once again returned to the hunt, now ready to attack his prey and to finish the game. The massive beast made a deep dive and landed onto the grassy plains just in front of the herd. The drake roared loudly and took in a deep breath of air before puffing up his chest before letting a hot stream of dragon fire directly in the direction of the approaching mammoths. These actions were done is such quick recession that the large mammals had no time to prepare. They were scorched in fire and brimstone, and at least a dozen were killed from that initial attack. While at least half a dozen of them were badly injured, but managed to reach the nearby forest in time. The giant reptilian slowly approached the cooked carcasses and began to feast upon his next meals. He enjoys the taste of mammoths and these can be considered his most prized food source. It would take nearly half an hour to eat his fill and by this time the fire and smoke on the plain had died down, and the folks of Tardy were all once again up on the wall. This time the dragon was in clear sight and the people now know who was the culprit of the fire and smoke. The draconic lord over the Scorching Plains himself... [b]Balerion the Black Dread[/b].