The world has fallen into disrepair and most people just stay inside these days. It wasn't a sudden apocalypse or anything. More like a slow decay into lifelessness. There are more robots than trees, more buildings than animals. The sky is a constant, consistent gray and the world is covered the black sludge of years of coal dust heavy air. But that's probably the least interesting part of this story. A man by the name of Neysah Rhodes, an engineering prodigy, really, has created the first “cyborg.” A human with robotic attributes. Well, cyborg really isn't the word to use here. He created a sort of serum that, when injected, releases tiny micro-bots into the system. They link to various parts of the brain and nervous system, waking up parts that the normal human mind is not usually able to use. It allows for people to perform abnormal abilities. For lack of a better term, super powers. We're not talking Superman here. But unnatural nonetheless. Unfortunately, Neysah did his research without the permission of the government and even used stolen data to invent his serum. They had planned to arrest him and put him in prison, but that all changed when the world was attacked by an unknown army. Not aliens. No. Humans from another dimension. The government now calls upon Neysah and his successful subjects to help protect the world from the others.