With Mysaren in tow, so to speak, Rimau wasted no time in walking out the nearest gate and into the surrounding woods. The road ahead was long, but even so, it was very civilised compared to the Zizz' usual place of business. From sight alone, he could tell that the mountains they needed to reach were a good few miles or so away. Good thing Rimau kept in shape, which wasn't something other Zizz his age tended to do. They preferred to send their sons and grandsons to do their dirty work for them. Someone could say they have to due to their ailing health, to which Rimau would say their health wouldn't be ailing if they didn't. Self-fulfilling prophecy. "Say, lemme ask y'somethin', kid." He spoke up as the town gate began to disappear among the trees behind them. "Y'ever gotten in serious trouble 'cause o' yer... y'know, profession? I mean, I heard that some dumbasses like t'unt down Necromancers, thinkin' there's some kinda law 'gainst it. I mean, there [i][b]is[/b][/i] a law 'gainst it where I'm from. An' most other types o' magic, f'that matter." He wasn't sure why he felt like asking her that, though maybe it was because of her general manner of speaking, and her love of concealing herself. As she was doing right now. He'd never heard of a person who concealed their appearance like that that didn't do it to hide from something. Not just something literally out to get them, but also from the dangers of the world in general. And Necromancers tended to face more of that than others. Sure, it looked intimidating, but that was just a by-product of the hiding; to show one's face would be to show emotion and vulnerability; and thus, weakness. Military leaders liked this line of thinking in their soldiers. "'Course, I ain't askin' f'yer biography or anythin' like that." He assured the good lady. "People's life stories just sorta reveal 'emselves t'folks most deservin' t'know. Only people who know 'em all are... whatever Gods y'believe in. I guess. I ain't got any Gods. 'Least in the conventional sense."