"The penguins?" John thought. "Might as well, I have nothing to lose." He concluded, and rushed to the nearest sign or person to let him know where he might find the penguins. Fortunately, he found a map, hanging on a wooden wall next to the lion cage. The "arctic animals" showcase in the far right of the zoo. Rushing towards the cage, John can't help but notice how the zoo is completely empty of humans. No matter where he looked, he couldn't find but one man, woman or child walking about the park, but the animals are still there. It doesn't matter. The voice wants John to find the penguins, and so he will! Reaching the "arctic animals" showcase, what John found was building with the title "ARCTIC ANIMALS". Entering it, John found a museum-like exhibit, filled with TV screens hosting videos of seagulls, polar bears, and other arctic animals, with some info snippets next to them. "Well, they didn't get penguins," John thought. "That could've been a good use of my tax dollars." He said, jokingly. After a few minutes of searching the exhibit, he found the "penguins" section. It included some images of penguins on the wall, a video, and some information about penguins: where they live, what they eat, their numbers, and all the boring facts no one likes. "Okay, here I am. What's next?" John asks the voice, begrudgingly.