BOOM, Griff and the others around him woke up in a panic, flames begun to burn the shops around them, the another explosion, this time some debris was launched at Griff and the others, He quickly dodged out of the way but some of the people behind them didn’t react in time, leaving some nasty wounds. It was the first time Griff had been in a group, and him acting for himself meant that other got hurt, and there was nothing he could do about it, his weakness was apparent to him once again. Then they all heard Dani over the megaphone, “CODE RED! CODE RED! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!! RAISE THE DEFENSIVE SHIELDS AND ASSUME BATTLE POSITIONS!! GO! GO! GO!” she ordered and as if it was nothing all the men before him stood back up and organised themselves into attack and first aid positions, supporting each other and facing whatever it was that was attacking, Griff just stood in silence and his mind took him to an unexpected conclusion. The last time someone cared for him, he wasn’t able to help, but now, these men treated him .. normally so he took a high vantage point over them, asked a worker there for arrows “Why arrows, those are cannons! what are you gonna do, poke them away?“ Griff just took out his bow, took out one of the arrows he had brought with him and pointed at the ship, another cannonball was shot, Griff took aim “Shooting star, COMET” the arrow shot flew straight and true with a loud bang, striking the cannonball that exploding in in mid air. “That is what I can do, please, any arrows you find” Griffs hands were shaking a bit, it was do or die time, no quick way out, this was a true battle. He took a better look at the ship and saw the seagul mark “Marines? our bounty’s aren’t that high, somethings off here” looking to the side he saw Sammy on one of the rooftops.