Narya? Congrats - I just want to let you know that my respect for you had just risen greatly. Don't bother minding your tongue - I mean hell, swearing isn't so bad when you consider what Rusalka and Kitten have been doing with their tongues XD Things must be pretty bad for you if you'd choose to express yourself to us, and so I afford you even more respect, and I think everyone here can offer a shoulder if you want one. (I'd recommend Destiny, myself - she's like the mother of this group and there's no telling what Kitten'd do if you tried to use Rus :P). But, we're a small and happy family here. So swear if you want to and we'll bear it - cry on us if you want to, or feel free to punch me in the face. I've taken a few shots for friends before, and reading such an expression makes me think of you as a friend - if the feeling's mutual. So lean on us...if you need to. After all, it's not like we like you or anything... [b]BAKA![/b] P.S. I will happily respond to any comments about this post - and Chukklez? I'm not stepping in on your conversation - I'm just sliding a few paragraphs in edgeways :P