[CENTER][IMG]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/295/4/9/kiss_shot_acerola_orion_heart_under_blade_by_titiavryl-d6rfcrr.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Takako Tsukizuki [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Takako stands at 5'9'', making her quite a tall woman in respect to others. Her body is quite curvy and she has been called an 'alluring' woman from time to time because of how she usually dresses. She prefers to lean towards one piece dresses like the one in the picture, along with stocking and high heels, usually red in color. Her blonde hair reaches her lower back and she usually wears it straight, though she still likes to put it up into other hairstyles from time to time. She also has yellow eyes. [B]Stand name:[/B] [url=http://youtu.be/e6-YTkJmz14]Taciturn[/url] [B]Stand ability:[/B] Extremely fast and precise, Taciturn is a Stand that works long range. Since it would be pretty hard for it to stand its own against others normally, the Stand's limbs are all covered in blades, as well as being equipped with a tutu that is also bladed, which help it get a literal edge over others. [B]Stand appearance:[/B] Taciturn is, in fact, a Stand that is fairly smaller than her user. It resembles a little kid-like pink, metal mannequin with a metallic tutu around its waist. Its face has white hair and also a pair of big, also white, eyes. It has no mouth, though. It almost always stands on its tiptoes as if it were dancing ballet. [B]Weapon:[/B] Takako herself uses a katana. Mainly because there is no way she would stand a chance against a man that probably doubles her in height. [B]Personality:[/B] Never one to mince words, Takako is known for having a sharp tongue and a quick thinking mind. She likes to insult others, whether they are friends or not, it doesn't matter, but she somehow gains some kind of personal satisfaction every time she pisses others off. Her personality and she as a person has been called 'rotten' and many other things to express her unusual demeanor towards others. For one, she is pretty dignified, and won't let anyone belittle her from what she thinks she is, and perish the thought of you ever doing so. Secondly, her personality is that of a complete sadist, if you hadn't noticed that already. It is also extremely hard to throw her off and she always keeps her cool, no matter the situation. Arrogant and almost princess like is a pretty good way to describe her. [B]Bio:[/B] WIll be revealed IC. :D [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Destructive power:[/B] E [B]Speed:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] D [B]Durability:[/B] D [B]Precision:[/B] A [B]What is courage?:[/B] To become one with fear itself! :D