[center] [img]http://www.CharacterImageGoesHere.com.jpeg[/img] [i]Your Character's Name in Italics[/i] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] About 2-3 sentences max. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [b]Backstory:[/b] Less than a paragraph or so. [b]Extra:[/b] Optional. This is for anything random that doesn't fit into the above categories. [/center] To keep everything simple I've already formatted the profiles for everyone. To get the profile what you need to do is quote this message, then delete everything not between the two 'center' aligners. Good luck! [center][hider=Hard at Work][img]http://lh3.ggpht.com/-BmtiIXas3cY/S-3p1CKd__I/AAAAAAAAAYU/aY-brOAcBj4/anime-girl-writing.gif[/img][/hider][/center]