[center][img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/360/f/6/mutant_creature_design_by_diamondsnake-d5p7rz1.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Setheran Age: Over a thousand years old, through alchemy. Species: Used to be human. Now is just some magically-created mutant thing Personality: To be roleplayed- I've got an idea but I really just wanna go with it first, and see how it is. Bitter, but friendly enough to those who show him kindness. Likes: Right now? Nothing! Not entirely true. He enjoys complexity and creativity, or someone going out of the norm- such as to try to talk to a monstrous deadly-looking creature. Dislikes: Everything! It's all normal! I'm not! History: He was an alchemist, once. The oldest that ever lived, always hunting for the special ingredient to the immortality potion, and kept himself alive for hundreds of years, over a thousand, actually. But then he screwed it up- he was forced to buy an ingredient, which turned out to be faked. The faked ingredient made the potion entirely different, and turned him into what he is now. Other: Anything else we should know? I don't know. [h3]Is dis gud?[/h3]