[quote=@Forsythe] [hider=speaking of judging] [h3]Challenge #? - Captured[/h3] [b]Judge:[/b] Forsythe [b]Deadline:[/b] TBD [b]Type:[/b] Writing challenge - Your task is to make a 3rd-person, non-canon short story with your Heroes of Beacon character as the main protagonist. Minimum length of the entry is 500 words, maximum is 3000. [b]Theme:[/b] An otherwise usual day goes horribly wrong when your character is captured by a hostile party. Write a story about your character in captivity. Do include a conclusion (character escapes, is saved by others, dies horribly, ...) [/hider] [/quote] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/183/c/1/me_gusta_charlie_scene_by_wolfcloudfantasy-d3kt5vg.png[/img] I'd certainly compete in this.