[center][hider=Disguise][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/9/90/Li_shuwen_takeuchi_closeup.png/revision/latest?cb=20130524194426[/img][/hider][/center] [center][hider=True][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/185/b/0/aatrox_by_alimika-d7p9jjo.png[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demons_in_the_Ars_Goetia#Marquis_Cimeies]Kimaris[/url] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Type:[/b] Demon [b]Appearance:[/b] In his human disguise, Kimaris (or simply Kim) comes across as a grumpy individual from appearance alone, but his face simply happens to have a frowning disposition, and his calm and controlled nature results in him rarely going beyond his 'default' expression. Kim has a subtle build, at first appearing rather unpowerful, but actually being anything but. [b]Career:[/b] Executive Office Official (Inner Circle) [b]Skills:[/b] Even without the abilities granted to him by his demonic state of being, Kimaris is an unrivalled warrior among the Host and demonic brethren. As well as having unending amounts of talent in matters of conflict, he is also very good at passing these skills down to his students. In stark contrast to this, he is a master of grammar, logic and rhetoric, and the matter of teaching these fields. [b]Supernatural Abilities:[/b][list] [*][b]Supernatural Condition:[/b] A blanket power covering Kimaris' superior physical capabilities, including senses. His strength, speed and durability dwarfs that of a humans by immeasurable leagues, capable of shrugging off standard bullet fire like rain and breaking bones in a single, half-hearted blow. In reality, it requires an entity on level with the most powerful angels to combat him on an even battlefield. [*][b]Flight:[/b] It's on the tin. Although Kimaris does have wings, they are simply for show. His flight is achieved through a form of limited telekinesis. [*][b]Black Steed:[/b] Kimaris' mount is more of a spiritual entity than an actual horse; an impenetrable black smog which takes the vague shape of a horse, charging at speeds even greater than what Kimaris' himself is capable of at a consistent rate. Rarely sees use. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Reclusive warrior with smarts & hoarding. [b]Bio:[/b] Marquis Kimaris earned his bit of Hell through unmatched fury and martial strength. All those that stood before Kimaris were swiftly crushed - but only if they stood before him. He was a solitary entity which only desired to have his own land to be solitary within, having no qualms against removing any who intended to disturb. Over time, he became recognized by those lesser and greater than himself as a being of note, even being integrated into the loose 'system' which eventually took root in hell as a Marquis with 20 legions of lesser demons under his rule, although through their own wish to be ruled by him. Unknown to most of his brethren, Kimaris is quite the book worm. Part of the reason he is such a solitary entity is because of this, prefering to be left alone to study the vocations of rhetoric and logic. His skill as a warrior and a virtual force of nature in combat are the reasons he is valued, and as such he is only called upon for those talents - something Kimaris finds himself growing increasingly discontent with. Even in the days before Earth's meant-to-be destruction, he was made to teach countless humans how to fight like himself, a demon, with gun, sword, fist and bone should it be required. When his former brothers and sisters of the host arrived, they found not only armed mortals, but a 'godly warrior' demon ready to strike them down. Even through the brainwashing and memory loss, some Cyborgels may have the vague image of Kimaris burnt into their mind. Marquis Kimaris retains high prestige among his brothers and sisters in the New Society, kept close by the 'Inner Circle' but not treated as one of them. He is their shield against incursion, mentor of their finest agents and nothing else. However, Kimaris' loyalty could be in question. For all the efforts the New Society went through in creating this order, did the warrior lord truly care for any of it? If a new alternative were to present its self, who is to say he would not work against them like he worked against the Host? OPTIONAL [b]Likes:[/b] Quiet, the freedom to act, philosophy, stand up comedy [b]Dislikes:[/b] Disturbances, futile conflicts, potatoes ("I am simply not fond of their taste.") Theme Song: [b]Other:[/b] [b]REBORN[/b]