Hey there! I'm pretty new to this but I've got decent writing skills and I've sat in on many DnD sessions. (They generally deteriorated pretty quickly into absolute chaos so I never managed to get my character made. lol) I'm in my first year of uni but I don't have a lot of friends yet so it'd be really nice to make some here! So even if this specific rp isn't your thing, I'd love to hear from you. ^_^ This request in particular is for something like smut with plot. I don't know what formats would work since that sort of stuff has to stay off the forums but we can work something out, I'm sure. ^_^ I'm mostly looking for something high fantasy but if you've got another genera in mind, throw it at me and see if it sticks. And the stories I have so far. (Your part's bold.) If you've got any ideas, I'm more than open for them! [b]Thief[/b] x Merchant 1) A thief nearly gets caught stealing something important/valuable. To escape the city with his loot, he convinces a traveling merchant to let him travel as a craftsman(or whatever you want) so that he can get past the check points and safely to the next city. 2) A thief constantly tricks and teases a local merchant. Adventure eventually ensues but it's mostly the dynamic between the two. [b]Warrior[/b] x Healer 1) Pretty standard warrior is wounded and healer saves life. 2) Warrior is hired to protect a healer who is trying to cure a dark plague that has been spreading across the lands. Adventure ensues. Warrior x [b]Healer[/b] This one is still in development. [b]Conquering King[/b] x Princess or Lady or House Servant A kingdom is recently conquered. The king takes a prize.