[@oakman] "Love you too, Snazzy darling." The queen smirked as the reaper prepared her drink. She fluttered herself again, happy she was getting what she wanted. [@Horrid] Her face turned to greet the man she had beckoned over. Her eyes traveled up and down his body, sizing him up. "The Queen of all Vampires, Avalai Ambre Merigue. A pleasure, I'm sure." She started to offer her hand so that he may kiss it, but suddenly found her chair being swiveled to face a different direction. [@Earnest Evans] She blinked as the strange creature breathed against her skin. Then she grinned, her eyes half closed as her drink was set behind her. "Meeeeeeeee.....?" She responded, her eyebrow quirking and her shoulders raising. What does this entity want, she wondered? Her thralls began to stand, none of them noticing with the distraction that the changeling had left.