ok ok ok... I see you guys are both mildly miffed and I want to settle things. I think Bedivere and Gabriel are fine. yes, neutrality isn't a technical weakness, and yes, Bedivere is neigh unkillable in his dark water, but it's not actually a problem. In fact, I don't think anyone in this rp has a problem with either of them and their powers, at least not at this time. But if a character needs to get nerfed, that's Shikaru's and my job. We'll do it. Don't worry. Camelot isn't nuke-proof, however it is hidden and protected by being under ground. It may also have some non-disclosed life-saving bonuses against nuking due to Merlin, but meh, whatever. Also, even if Stone had a nuke ready to go off somewhere, he has to know that his bluff is SO BIG that it's obviously going to get called. It was a pretty ridiculous bluff, in fact, he should probably play it off as a joke to keep himself from looking retarded. If anyone wants to threaten Camelot, I first expect you to give good reason why you'd know where it is. You can threaten to nuke some random location in the UK if you want, but what good does that do? And seriously, nobody ever, ever, ever use the word "metagame" ever again... ever. Nobody ever knows what it actually means, and I don't want to hear any bullshit explanations of it. You can live without it completely and be very clear about your meaning without sounding like a pretentious 12 year old asshole. Now, are there any serious problems left I have not addressed?