[img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/117/9/d/the_hollow_boy_by_junedays-d5hube8.jpg[/img] Appearance: The metal plates that surround the outside of his body and that have replaced most of his skin are a dirty-blue. What used to be shiny and bright now has been tarnished. His eyes are a bright yellow and parts of his insides have been mechanized. His heart and other major organs have been moved around and altered. The gear in his chest will spin depending on how tired or energetic his body is at the moment. It goes in accordance to his physical health instead of him feeling 'perky' or anything like that. [b]Name // Nickname :[/b] Isfrafiel // Isaac [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Type:[/b] Cyborgel [b]Career:[/b] Police Unit [b]Skills:[/b] Access police and sometimes more hidden databanks to identify people or other angels. Has several small firearms and grenades hidden inside its body. Has experience with melee combat, and its robotic body makes him extremely tough to beat for regular humans when it comes to a brawl. [b]Supernatural Abilities:[/b][s] Flight. [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/af8f95e706b8a22a77f71462c80637a8/tumblr_n7r4mhPMks1r1f3lfo1_500.png] Very stereotypical wings [/url] sprout from his back, in between the metal plates. [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] Honest , Broad-minded ,overly-critical , touchy, weak-willed. [b]Bio:[/b] When captured and altered, Isfrafiel was sent to work as a police unit for a small city with a ineffective police force. He was put to work, and for the first few years in action he served well and did well by most people's minds. However as time went on, the people in charge of him were switched out for a pair of selfish goons. They used him to help them extort civilians, perform theft, and even murder. This went on for months, until those responsible were caught by their co-workers and put to jail. After this mishaps, Isfrafiel wasn't used nearly as often. Perhaps it was because the people there thought it was his fault, despite him being unable to really control himself. Or perhaps it was because they had started to find better angels to use to help the force. Either way, Isfrafiel was slowly falling behind the times and was eventually scrapped after they tried, and failed, to revamp him. Leaving him to rot with others of his kind. OPTIONAL [b]Likes:[/b] N/A [b]Dislikes:[/b] N/A [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=http://youtu.be/BosnLfa9LxI] Sollente [/url] [b]Other: Reborn [/b]