(Nah it's fine.) Ceres decided that she might as well. So she ate her own bowl first. Then she took over the wheel as she handed the larger plate to the captain. She didn't care about Octavius scoffing her meal down like it was dog food. A balanced diet was more important than enjoying the meal. He would come to enjoy it eventually, she was sure. Though the calm didn't last long. As soon, the captain spotted something and immediately began giving orders. First, one to her. She had a basic idea of everyone's capabilities by now, so she rushed to find the right man and bring him over. It took half a minute at most before the sailor was standing in front of the captain. Ceres herself was out of the picture for a little bit. But she remained on the sidelines anyway, as she knew what her role would be. She would have to focus on fighting. "I'll get my pipe~" she spoke, running towards the kitchen to get her weapon. She wondered how strong these other pirates were. Would they be able to even hurt her? Normal weapons didn't work after all. Though then again, even she had heard stories about the Powder Keg. Maybe the captain had managed to find himself some seastone bullets. Or maybe he could even use this mysterious power she had heard very few reumours of. A power that could allow you to hurt a Logia user like her with any weapon, even with ones fists. Then again...those stories were vague, and they all came from the Grand Line. No way anyone would have them in one of the four seas. ceres ran back outside and back to what she had decided her post would be while not cooking. To the side of the steering wheel. As she wouldn't be surprised if Octavius decided to shove more tasks on her like issuing commands and making her steer the ship.