[color=6ecff6]Béatrix:[/color] Sometimes, without even meaning it, Trixy could hear what her family members were thinking – especially if the thoughts were associated with strong emotions, like love. [i]“I could never shoot you, Ali”[/i] she whispered to him, and she meant it. She might be a cold-hearted killer, but she murdered based on her own moral compass, the arrow of which would never lead her to Alistair. “I will the head to the one that’s close to downtown.” She said to the group before heading upstairs to shower off the blood and dirt. If she was going to walk around in the daylight, amongst humans, she had to at least somewhat look the part. Béatrix opted for a black lacey skirt in lieu of her usual ostentatious leather garb. She was going more for the goth girl look, and not so much the vampire assassin. After fastening her guns in their hidden hip holsters, and her dagger along the middle of her back, she headed out for her destination. Passing a few bars and a tattoo shop, a certain scent caught her attention. Putting her thoughts aside, she kept walking; she had a mission to tend to. [color=9e0b0f]Jareth:[/color] JRock closed the appointment book, his curiosity more than piqued. He’d make sure he was at the shop tomorrow to meet that customer. With that, he headed for the door. [i]“Leaving so soon?”[/i] Stixx called from the back. “You know me, places to go and people to see. I’ll be back for an appointment tomorrow, though. See ya, man!” Jareth called back and pushed his way through the front door, a bell jingled to indicate his exit. Jareth walked down the sidewalk and whistled as he scanned the streets. It wasn’t long before a certain figure caught his attention. He only had to see her periphery to know that the strong vampire scent in the air belong to her. And damn, what a view from behind. From the way she walked, she was obviously on a mission of some sort - most likely one against his own family. Béatrix de la Croix, the head hunter herself, walked in front of him. A normal vampire might be afraid, but not Jareth. She wouldn’t know his face, or of his involvement with the Blods, and he was perhaps the only family member aside from Theo that would be immune to her mental manipulations. Jar decided his best course of action would be to approach her with confidence, what did he have to fear, anyway? Once he was close enough behind her, his aimless whistling changed pitch, and he even began to sing. He chose the lyrics carefully, wanting to grab her attention quickly. “They say you’re the baddest girl around. You take your men and then you shoot. them. down.” The last three words given a special dramatic flair, as only Jareth could pull off and still sound alluring. It worked, Béatrix spun around on her heel and met his gaze with icy blue eyes. He couldn’t help but notice the curiosity in them. “But your body’s got me thinking twice, your reputation do not matter with those eyes.” Jar continued singing in a quip. Joking aside, he meant it. He had seen pictures of the once rogue assassin-turned Blackmoore, a rogue as new as him had to know whom they had to fear in the world. Pictures didn’t do her justice though, she was a sight to behold, and his mind couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her… “What an honor to meet one of the legends of my own kind.” He said, leaving his words vague, as to not draw suspicion from human onlookers. “Your reputation precedes you, in more ways than one.” he said with a wink and a lustful twinkle in his eyes. She laughed a little and looked him straight on as she said, “You can turn off your charm, my days as the Madame are over.” Jareth ran a hand through his mess of silver and black hair and gave a coy half smile “All due respect, Madame Vengeance… I may be young, but I am smart enough to decipher a lie when I hear one.” Béatrix raised an eyebrow at him and her lips rose in the faintest smile, that’s when he knew that he had her hooked.