[h2]GUILD[/h2] Gray gives a lecture on how to deal with demons. With the help of Akira as the projector using her archive magic. [b]"Not only Devil Slayer Magic is the most effective magic against demons but also any form of magic, the more the better with exorcist properties to kill them. Besides, you have to deal with demons effectively. Even if you don't have a form of exorcist magic. You still can beat them. You just have to play it smart. Demons in their etherious form are the most difficult to deal with. It is their true form which makes them 20x stronger than their human form. That is all I have to say. Thank you Akira for helping me with the presentation. The rest is up to you guys. Remember to aim and take advantage at their weak spots."[/b] For three days its all about demonology from Gray. The Devil Slayer ends his lessons. [b]"I advise to those who are able to use Archive Magic or who can't really fight to stay at base, strategy is the key to putting an end to demons not just brute power. You guys lack training, all you need is to brush up your skills."[/b] He said thus ending the lesson. [h3]Masters[/h3] All 5 masters are gathered and thanked Gray. [b]"Thank you. Now everyone can party and feast before the storm!!!"[/b] [b]Dat Moment[/b] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytail/images/a/a6/Celebrating_their_defeat.png/revision/latest?cb=20121215110107[/img] Black Mamba on the other hand is training with Trisana and Kyuuten. [b]"You wasted your Grand Chariot. I said time it. Trisana, CATCH! Five Layered Magic: Sacred Song!"[/b] He summoned countless sacred songs. They have been training for three days.