So I don't really know what led me to this idea, but I figured I might as well put a check up. Alright, so here's a brief list of what I'd like: [list] [*]Please be over 18 and alright with mature content. I don't usually like fading to black with smut, but I'm not against it. I like gore and violence, and I suppose the content kind of calls for it. [*]As I've said, I'd hope you can play male or alright with doubling. If we do double, though, please don't leave one character by the wayside unless there's good reason. [*]Please get at least one post to me a week. I promise I'll get one to you every day or two. I'm patient, so I hope you'll be patient with me. [*]Can give me at least one paragraph per post. I can go from 1-2 to 8, so it really depends on what you give me. I hope you have a decent grasp of grammar and spelling, too! [/list] Alright! So, onto the idea. In contrast to something like a Sword Art Online styled roleplay where it's an actual game, I was just thinking of a world structured like one. There aren't levels, but I'd imagine that 'skill trainers' would still be around. Ridiculous attacks and oversized weapons are definitely something to include. You get resurrection and healing magic, and various potions. The monsters/enemies would stop appearing once the source threat is taken care of, though. I'm also planning on dungeons and impressive boss fights as well. I'd like it to be dramatic as well as humorous. I mean being able to stuff giant skulls into your pack [i]is[/i] pretty funny. [hider=Basic Plot] Two (or more) newcomers in the local military are sent to join a routine patrol at a relatively quiet location. However, once they get there, they find the countryside overrun with monsters. They help clear the place up, and find out who is behind the mess while doing so. After their exemplary work on the field, they're sent to take care of the first main enemy. Once they do, it's revealed that there's much more going on - and the fate of the world is at stake. [/hider] If you're interested, feel free to send me a PM!