[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gey92Fh.jpg[/img] [u][b]Full Name[/b][/u] Cerabihr (no last name) [u][b]Nickname(s)[/b][/u] Cer, [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 18 [u][b]Race[/b][/u] Three headed Hellhound (son of Cerberus) [u][b]Romantic Preference[/b][/u] To be revealed [u][b]Abilities[/b][/u] Immunity to fire, when humanoid he can travel through shadows at a highly increased speed( he has to set a travel point that he can't change and the shadows have to connect. If they are disconnected or never were connected when he reaches the end he will be flung out in the direction he was going at a high speed...yeah that's likely to hurt), can change to his true form [hider=true form][img]http://i.imgur.com/HkfDtwQ.jpg[/img] with white fur.[/hider], when he's in his true form he can breath fire. [u][b]Weapon(s)[/b][/u] When he's in his true form he has teeth, claws, and fire. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Cerabihr is one of the few nice demons (that are openly nice at least). Though he mainly stays in his humanoid form he is still a hell hound and as such has qualities of a hell hound. He can at times be rude to others but will usually apologize and try to make up for it. He has a slight need to feel appreciated and to protect something. As such he usually does everything to protect the people he meets. He has a violent side that will attack anything that he sees as slightly threatening which he tries to suppress once he realized that not everything will try to kill him. [u][b]Biography[/b][/u] Cerabihr is the son of Cerberus the three headed guard dog of the gate to hell. He was raised in his true form ,but spent his life studying humanoid ,and souls of dead humans particularly. He eventually found a way to change back and forth between his true form ,and a humanoid form. Ecstatic he stayed humanoid and talked to the souls. He learned much about the wonders of human society ,and how they had such things as snow ,and they had a peaceful(ish) civilization. He was fascinated ,and spent his time learning human customs and adapting to their ways as much as he could. Eventually he became 16 and though still considered a pup to demons he was almost a adult to the recently dead humans and middle aged to some of the dead. He watched his father guard the gates ,and eventually he decided that he was going to leave. Though it was his home hell wasn't a place he felt he was meant to be. He knew that the rules his father followed of never letting anyone leave included himself so he spent a year watching his father searching for slight weaknesses. On his seventeenth birthday he divided it was time and challenged his father for the right to leave hell. Needless to say that was a terrible idea. Though he fought as hard as he could he realized he couldn't beat his father and instead tried to get a opening and fled for the outside world. His father followed his orders and attacked Cerabihr nearly killing him. Luckily he made it to the surface and was left alive as Cerberus went back to the gate. Cerabihr used what strength he had left ,and eventually made it to safety. He was helped ,and made a full recovery. Free from his old life , Cerabihr tried to fit in and ended up with a the psychological need to protect something ,and grow strong like his dad is ,and maybe someday challenge his dad again ,and this time win. Sadly with no specific thing to protect he ended up decided to protect anyone he thinks is weak. [u][b]Weaknesses/Fears[/b][/u] Cerabihr has a big fear of water(it also causes pain when it touches him), he is generally a brave person but he is still young and easily angered at times. He can at times be rash and do things without thinking which causes problems when he tries to protect a person who's being attacked by multiple people. [/center]