[quote=@Wicked Sweet] OK, didn't know that about the Richards offspring. Obviously, I do not read anything related to the Fantastic Four. [s]So I've finally decided to go with X-23. Will finish the CS tomorrow.[/s] [hider=Work in Progress] [color=Mediumvioletred]Full Name:[/color] Katherine "Kate" Elizabeth Bishop [color=Mediumvioletred]Alias:[/color] Hawkeye [color=Mediumvioletred]Age:[/color] 16 [color=Mediumvioletred]Appearance:[/color][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/cc0cd9ab86e876d644fd476b5ace4721/tumblr_n9w40itYBU1smfh9io1_500.gif[/img] [color=Mediumvioletred]Costume:[/color][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/7c/Katebishop.png/250px-Katebishop.png[/img] [color=Mediumvioletred]Power:[/color] Kate has no actual super powers. [color=Mediumvioletred]Skills:[/color] Highly skilled at archery, fencing, sword fighting (which is different from fencing), jujitsu, boxing, and other forms of combat. [color=Mediumvioletred]Brief Bio:[/color] The daughter of rich publishing magnate Derek Bishop, Kate Bishop never felt comfortable with wealth; like her mother, she donated time and money to soup kitchens, women’s shelters, and other worthy causes. After her mother was killed, Kate became even more active in charity. Later assaulted in Central Park, Kate received the best therapy that money could buy; she also undertook an intensive physical fitness and self-defense training regimen. Determined never again to let herself or anyone else be victimized if she could prevent it. At her upscale private school, the Hawthorne Academy, Kate studied archery, fencing, kickboxing, and various martial arts. A major social event, Kate’s sister’s wedding at New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral was interrupted by five gunmen who held the guests hostage when the police cornered them inside. Kate would help security take down the gunmen, and her heroics were reported on the evening news. [color=Mediumvioletred]Additional info:[/color] [/hider] [/quote] Hawkeye is accepted