[Center] Name: Siegfried Nickname: Sieg or Grim Age: Appears to be in his twenties. "Wait.....when did the first person on Earth die.....?" Gender: Male Crush: None for now Relationship: None Species: Grim Reaper Role: Homeroom Teacher [Img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/308/c/f/anime_guy_render_by_lunaleskax-d858sfo.png[/img] Likes: Humans, apples, sweets, alcohol, nature, death , humans emotions, good , evil , pain , depression and other beings weaknesses. Dislike: Choosing sides , waiting, being literally stabbed, people who live long and rotten apples. History: Will possibly add in later. Schedule: Teaching then Reaping souls. Dorm: 3 Other: [Color=red] " Your favorite teacher loves apples!!!!!!" [/color] [/center]