[b]Unaware of Andreios untangling her hair, Ava's eyes widened in horror, finally comprehending we situation. Oh no, her father was going to be so angry at her for not obeying his rules. Ava squeezed her eyes shut & clung to the front of Andrieos's armor. But just as she was about to tell Andreios to cut her hair, she suddenly lurched forward a little, her face lightly smacking into his breastplate. "O-oww!" Ava grumbled. She lightly rubbed her forehead as she felt Andreios reaching over her & still pulling her hair free. How did a man with such strong hands do work that was so delicate? Ava stayed close to Andreios as his hands gently pulled the rest of her free, his body blocking hers from the cold wind. What was she supposed to say in a situation like this? Andreios was showing her a gentleness that she'd been certain that he couldn't possess. Certainly this man had a rare personality; none of the other bodyguards her father had in the past were so playful or thoughtful. [/b]