I realize this is very late into the acceptance period, but I thought I'd try my hand at these pseudo-angels. I understand that I'm starting off with a very militant character to begin with, but I feel like the career was a decent approach and honestly, it was the only one I could think of given the exceptionally dark aspects of this fictional world. So here she is, for better or worse. [b]Name:[/b] Nemesis [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character Type:[/b] Cyborgel [url= http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs26/i/2009/250/3/f/Cyborg_Angel_by_Oyee.jpg][b]Appearance:[/b][/url] What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes. As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh. These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets. [b]Career:[/b] Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model. Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed. This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot. [b]Skills: [/b] [list] [*][i]Bludgeoning:[/i] Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands. [*][i]Sword Use:[/i] Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades. [*][i]Supplemented Strength:[/i] Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks. [*][i]Robotic Destruction:[/i] Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources. [*][i]Crystal-Code Reading:[/i] Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information. In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested. [/list] [b]Supernatural Abilities:[/b] [s]Flight—one would assume. [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] [list] [*]Willful [*]Loyal [*]Logical [*]Sadistic [*]Brooding [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage. Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars. [b]Likes:[/b] Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish. [b]Theme Song:[/b] N/A [b]Other: REBORN[/b]