Laurena surveyed the party as they welcomed her into their midst. Fortune was certainly favoring her now, granting not only a guide to Haldric's final resting place, but food as well. The high elf, apparently rather skilled with a mandolin, began playing a lively tune as they settled down. There certainly were some interesting characters amongst them. The device that the dwarf Kaghad was using was particularly interesting. The dwarf placed something, coal most likely, into its maw and soon a second fire was roaring. Idly, Laurena wondered how hot it could get, and how such a small device could work. The leader of the party, the pink haired paladin Tanya wielding a rather large sword turned to address Laurena. Snapping out of her speculation about the portable forge, Laurena recalled the roast boar sitting nearby. Right. Food. Her stomach growled angrily once more, reminding her of how she'd neglected it recently. None of the other party members seemed too keen on carving it for them, so, unstoppering her waterskin, Laurena took the initiative. [b]"Well, since noone else will...ciegamel"[/b] She muttered the last word, and a stream of water followed her hand as she drew it away from the container. A portion of it gathered in her hand, while the rest returned to her pouch with a gesture. She turned to address the nem Teri, moving up to the boar over the low fire. [b]"The prison-castle of the mad king Hadric is said to be the final resting place of the king and all his greatest possessions. The king is believed to have been driven by some sort of paranoia, and put his wealth toward protecting himself, building a dungeon beneath the ground."[/b] The flame would make things a bit harder, but it still shouldn't be a problem...Laurena muttered another word, and the water in her palm took the form of a knife of ice. With a quick smile and nod, Laurena went about carving the meat, continuing the story as she worked. [b]"Legend says that the deeper he went, the more the madness took him, until he drove off or killed all who would support him. Legend also says the king turned to darker magicks in order to preserve his life, and that he succeeded. See, this is where things start getting interesting. Countless mages have tried to make themselves immortal, and as far as the college knows, none have really succeeded. Sure, there's forms of necromancy, but would you fancy living forever in a decaying old body? And while it's most likely ol' King Haldric went down this path as well, there's bound to be some interesting magical traps guarding the place! I'm sure our bard could tell you more"[/b] A glint of excitement was showing in Laurena's eyes now, but the boar had other demands. In a few more incantations, a small platter was sitting on the grass beside the fire, and Laurena began placing chunks of rough cut meat. While she knew enough to tell what was edible and what was not, she was hardly a butcher. [b]"Who wants some? Get it while it's hot!"[/b] She offered to the others, cutting a small bite off one of the slabs, then panting to cool her mouth, caught off guard by how hot the meat had been.