"Ah, let me." Jon said. He'd had a lot of years of experience travelling, and he wasn't a stranger to a good roast boar, so he could tell that it was quite a nice specimen. He drew his broadsowrd and he began cutting off the meaty parts and placing it on the tray that their new water mage had helpfully provided. "Don't worry about my sword, it's clean." Jon said, sheathing his sword. Around a quarter of the the boar had been cut up, and it should've been enough for the party right now. He grabbed a piece he'd cut off and sampled it, checking its tenderness and flavour. A smoky aroma filled his noise as he bit down, and the hot juices squeezed out of the flesh into his mouth. He chewed the meat carefully. It was tender, juicy and had a nice flavour. "Whoever made this, it's pretty good." He said. "Ask me if you need any more."