Jacque's left brow raised ever so slightly at Miichi's invitation. It had been a long time since any one extended an offer to him to join in on festivities. So long in fact, that Jacque could only remember two times; the first being he'd first arrived, and the second being during a christmas party hosted by another inspector. Jacque's immediate rejection of both invitations paired with his icy demeanor had prevented anyone from trying again until now. He prepared to reject Miichi's offer just as he'd done everyone else's, however a thought occurred to him; he had no reports to turn in, nothing to do nor anyone waiting at home for him, and the data he was compiling would require at least six hours to get just a rough estimate of crime coefficient rates. That aside, it would probably prove beneficial to actually socialize with another inspector, if only to ensure some semblance of familiarity should he be assigned a case that required multiple inspectors to collaborate. Jacque pursed his lips momentarily, then slowly nodded, "[b]Fine, I suppose there's no harm in going out for a drink.[/b]" he stated flatly before closing his laptop.